Theta Video API DRM Player
React component for Theta Video API w/ DRM.
npm install --save theta-video-api-drm-player
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { StudioPlayer } from 'theta-video-api-drm-player'
import 'theta-video-api-drm-player/dist/index.css'
const Example = () => {
const walletConnectParams = {
appName: "Your App Name",
projectId: "Your Project ID"
const params = {
signin: signin,
jwt: jwt,
autoconnect: true|false,
useBeta: false|true
return (
videoId={"Video ID"}
- jwt : pass a JWT to automatically allow a user (this is useful for apps that already authenticated the user on their backend. See below on how to generate the JWT)
- signin : pass a signin JSON to automatically allow a user using sign typed data v4 (disabled if you're already sending a JWT)
- autoconnect : will automatically try to connect to your wallet
Wallet Connect Parameters
The walletConnectParams object should contain the following properties:
"projectId": "your_project_id",
"appName": "your_app_name"
See Wallet Connect documentation for more details
Server-side JWT creation
Get your service account secret from your Theta Video API dashboard.
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const algorithm = { algorithm: "HS256" };
function createTvaJwt(serviceAccount) {
let expiration = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
expiration += 120; // partners can choose how long the JWT can last
let payload = {
iss: "auth0",
exp: expiration,
return jwt.sign(payload, serviceAccount.secret, algorithm);
Updated 11 months ago