Connect to the Mainnet
The Theta Mainnet was launched on 3/15/2019. To connect to the mainnet, open a terminal, and follow the steps below.
Step 1. Setup
Follow the instructions in Setup and Installation to build and install the Theta Blockchain node software. Make sure you are compiling the latest release
branch, as mentioned in the special notes. Next, execute the following commands to download the config file and the latest snapshot for the Theta mainnet.
Note: when this is not the first time, make sure you have a backup of the key file in the folder ../mainnet/walletnode/key/encrypted
export THETA_HOME=$GOPATH/src/
mkdir -p ../mainnet/walletnode
curl -k --output ../mainnet/walletnode/config.yaml `curl -k ''`
wget -O ../mainnet/walletnode/snapshot `curl -k`
Step 2. Launch and connect to the mainnet
Start a screen or tmux session, and use the following commands to launch a node and connect to the Theta mainnet. It may take some time to download the blockchain data to be in-sync with the network.
theta start --config=../mainnet/walletnode
Note: when the mainnet Theta Node is launched for the first time, you need to choose a password to generate an address for the node.
- Please choose a secure password and keep it in a safe place.
- Please make a backup of the key file in the folder ../mainnet/walletnode/key/encrypted and keep it in a safe place.
The next time when you launch the node again, you will need the password to unlock it.
Use the following commands to launch and connect to the mainnet the next time.
export THETA_HOME=$GOPATH/src/
theta start --config=../mainnet/walletnode
Updated about 3 years ago