Elite Edge Node Staking Process
Theta Mainnet 3.0 goes into effect at blockheight 10,968,061 (approximately 12pm-3pm PT Wednesday June 30, 2021). Start from that block height, Elite edge node TFuel staking will begin on Theta blockchain. If you’re already running a Guardian Node and staking your Theta tokens, the process will be familiar to you. In the Stakes section of your Theta Wallet, click Deposit Stake and you’ll see a new Edge Node section you can select:

Select Edge Node, then you’ll be prompted for the Edge Node Holder (Summary) and the amount of TFuel you want to stake. To obtain the the Holder (Summary) for your Edge Node, please first download and launch the latest version of the Theta Edge Node. Then, click Stake TFUEL on the left side of the Edge Node screen, you’ll see your Edge Node Holder (Summary) used for depositing your TFUEL to stake. If you are running the docker version, please check out the end of this page for the curl command to retrieve the edge node summary.

Next, go back to your wallet, paste the Edge Node Holder (Summary), and enter the amount of TFuel you would like to stake, and then click the "Deposit Stake" button. At this time there is a minimum of 10,000 TFuel and maximum of 500,000 TFuel that can be staked to each Edge Node, in order to encourage decentralization and an increased number of Edge Nodes.

TFuel staking reward works similar to staking Theta tokens to a Guardian Node. Earnings will accrue back to the wallet you staked from, and staked TFuel can only be withdrawn back to the wallet you staked from. Upon withdrawal of your TFuel, there is a ~60 hour unstaking period before your staked tokens will appear back in your Theta Wallet.
Updated almost 4 years ago